

 some might accuse me of being a keyboard coward. I guess In reality I vary my words depending on who I am talking to. some things you can tell certain people and some things you can't. nowadays I don't feel so brave because I don't believe what I say is anonymous. in reality when there is a group of people standing around trying to figure out what to do I'm like everyone else, I try to make an intelligent suggestion. When I make my suggestion there are usually immediate facial expressions that let me know how the people in charge of the situation like it. sometimes my suggestion is bad but sometimes the expression says "who are you?". I think the problem we  going to have is like this. the facebook model has leaked into the real world and people think they can block anyone they want. you are not on my friends list. You are unqualified. I don't like what that idea suggests. maybe a little of "your suggestion doesn't fit into my belief system."


 I have been saying for a long time that the big bang theory is wrong because the size of the universe is larger than the distance light can travel in that time. This is becoming more and more apparent with better telescopes that can see further than the age of the universe should allow. I think the next thing to go will be evolution. there are changes that happen between generations that suggest information is passed from the parent to the offspring without selective breeding. this is not denying evolution but suggesting another component. I saw a video about it a while back but I never believed in random mutation causing evolution by itself. I guess my point is that we don't know everything. Why? I don't know why. I can only guess. maybe it's some kind of test. Hope it's not a popularity contest.

don't be a dick

everybody loses their temper sometimes. It is different if you are deliberately inconveniencing or harming someone. If you know you are are harming others and do it anyway. try not to be a hypocrite too. everybody is one but just try not to be. I have a religion but I don't shove it in peoples faces. It's my code that I try to live by. I may be stupid but I'm not  ignorant.

nobody for president

how can there be anyone left who doesn't have dirt on them? I mean a criminal record, a failed marriage, a few shady deals or even a porn habit. They know everything about everyone. tsk tsk. shame on you. If you ask me anyone who goes around bragging about their reputation is an oddball. probably more dangerous than your average sinner because judgement has gotten out of hand. we have way too much information about everyone. Don't think that the system won't use it against you. How is anyone qualified when everyone is so imperfect? it's another example of society being a popularity contest. I'm sure people who I never met think they know me. character assassination is only for outcasts.

an eye for an eye

 It is said that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind but I never took anyone's eye or even a tooth. I've been to jail but never harmed anyone. They have taken much from me for no reason. All I did was speak in my own defense. I'm sorry to be the one who told you so. I'm the one who was betrayed. If I'm being paranoid let me know but if I am right tell me I am right so I won't be confused. so am I paranoid or am I betrayed? there are so many things I can't say still. I know them as truth but I'm not allowed to speak them. Our whole world is made of lies.

I'm crazy

I feel like I'm getting crazier by the day too. No friends. Eat sleep repeat. How can that fix someones mental health? I've made some strange posts here. A few times I had a blog and I got scared and deleted the whole thing. I don't want to do that this time. If I made a post that sounds crazy or made you angry I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone mad . just psychoanalyzing my own problems. Society expects someone  to be perfectly pleasant no matter what their circumstances and I can't do it. I freak out. I get upset.  Sorry. I know nobody is going to help me. I also know I can't save myself. Here's hoping for a better afterlife I guess. this song and this song   and this


 Everywhere I go there are gatekeepers. like I have to be qualified to even speak. I believe some of them are hired by the government. The internet used to be mostly anonymous. now you have to worry if your boss or your landlord or your family would approve of your opinion. even on the internet there are people who seem to be trying to stop me from speaking. even when I am not trying to say anything controversial.  music