I'm in oregon. still being followed and harrassed. the people disapear at night. they don't sleep on the sidewalk. they get out of their beds I guess and harass me in the morning. stealing some oil for freedom huh patriot hero? it's some sort of militia.. I found some disturbing information hidden in music as usual. My daughter visited haiti and came back different. there where rumors of voodoo so I did some research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haitian_Vodou "In Haiti, some Catholics combine aspects of Catholicism with aspects of Vodou, a practice forbidden by the Church and denounced as diabolical by Haitian Protestants ." "Vodouisants believe in a Supreme God called Bondye, from the French ( Bon Dieu = Good God). [29] When it came in contact with Roman Catholicism, the Supreme Creator was associated with the Christian God, and the loa associated with the saints ." What do you call a combination of catholicism and voodoo? Black ...