
Showing posts from January, 2018


I know I need to be forgiving, but there is a big difference between forgiving and crawling back. I give up on these people who won't listen. If they would change their mind we could move on like nothing ever happened. I'm the one they think should change. Is that song still in your head? It's real easy to stand with a crowd behind you to oppose an individual. It is so much harder to face the crowd and oppose them all.   "Halo"

psychic control

Yes, I believe there is some form of psychic control taking place. It is beyond psychological. Those of you that are doubters I want to add that doubt itself may be a psychic phenomenon. As for me I am a reasonable person who does not seek to control other people only to reason with them. We need to agree on what truth is first. I like to include music with my blog posts. Maybe it's just an analogy for the way the internet affects us psychologically. Not a big difference in my opinion.

About me

I used to have a blogger account but I got paranoid about becoming a target to whoever didn't like what I was saying and I deleted it.Now I'm finding that increasingly my freedom to post on other site and speak my mind is being removed. The list of "turf" being held by online fanatics is growing. It  is wrong to spread a political ideology to places where the subject is not included in the discussion.There are places to go to express your opinion on politics. For the last year I have had a blog here. It receives ZERO traffic. I am thinking this is another form of censorship. I have been diagnosed with mental issues and I take antipsychotic medication. I only ask that you consider what I am saying. They are shutting down our communication channels because they don't want to argue only to give orders. If the truth was told they would not be able to win an argument. They know everything we are doing online so there will be...