About me

I used to have a blogger account but I got paranoid about becoming a target to whoever didn't like what I was saying and I deleted it.Now I'm finding that increasingly my freedom to post on other site and speak my mind is being removed. The list of "turf" being held by online fanatics is growing. It  is wrong to spread a political ideology to places where the subject is not included in the discussion.There are places to go to express your opinion on politics. For the last year I have had a blog here.


It receives ZERO traffic. I am thinking this is another form of censorship. I have been diagnosed with mental issues and I take antipsychotic medication. I only ask that you consider what I am saying. They are shutting down our communication channels because they don't want to argue only to give orders. If the truth was told they would not be able to win an argument.

They know everything we are doing online so there will be no way to surprise them. They have detailed data regarding public opinion so they know just how far they can go. My main issue is that I was completely ripped off regarding my work to better myself. I went to school and could not get a decent job. I worked hard and trusted in the system for many years. During these years I recognized the problems with the system giving certain people unfair advantage while leaving the rest permanently in poverty.

Trying to silence your critics does not produce trust.

You know the issue will not be ignored. That people with good jobs are demanding that other people do lesser jobs. That small businesses hire  and  promote family first. Who you know has more effect than what you know.

I know you are creating a strategy of psychological warfare to defeat these issues. It won't work.

All I am asking is that we begin to move towards more meritocracy and fairness. We should stand together instead of divided by categories like race and sex and economics.
