
Hackaday is a cover for a surveillance program of some type, they have every article you need and they monitor who is viewing what. Probably track your searches too.Just so you know if you do a web search about how to build something, you might as well open source everything down to your napkin drawings.

Take it any way you want.

People used to get paid for their ideas. They get paid for all ideas now. They are harvesting your ideas. It is a new technocratic caste system. If you are not with them you are a slave. I'll take right over wrong, that's my choice. Now and forever, don't bother asking again!

Edit: I have more to say.

Please try to follow this train of thought. I was listening to the embedded podcast. We have to realize that there is a circle of collaborators who are acting as the representatives of open source hardware. They seem to be promoting similar ideals. I'm not being critical. it's just a fact. I enjoy the podcast anyway but I notice the similar agenda among them. We all know they know each other.
They were talking about gunshot locators. They brought up public surveillance systems like cameras and microphones.
With all the surveillance systems are they still afraid of the general public?
I wanted to simulate an opamp  the other day. The opamps in my program where broken and I didn't feel like spending hours trying to fix it. I have a few skills when it comes to designing circuits. one of them is that I know a little about opamps. It's very old technology. way older than me. We need a simulator that can at least do opamps.
I guess an opamp could be used in a bomb. They are used in everything. they would not be necessary in a simple explosive device. It's stupid to limit the public from having this skill.
The technology of a nation is built by a multitude of individuals. You have got to have many people who understand technology to build a base for the skill.this provides variation in ideas and thoughts. If you are willing to limit knowledge
of technology this old your technology level will backslide.  Is technology meant to be our shackles ? A drug that we become addicted to? When you create this drug/shackles how will you ensure that it can't be used against you or your own group of people?

Just stop.

We all need freedom to understand how things work.

You know what will always be smarter than A.I. ?
The cosmic consciousness that exceeds the wisdom of all sentient beings.
Gloat about your recent victories, some things work on larger time scales.

Just so you can laugh and call me a conspiracy nut I drew you a Glenn Beck diagram.

I could have added others like sparkfun and dangerous prototypes but I just list the most suspicious.
