Super simple water distiller.

I was looking up how to make a water distiller and I couldn't find anything I had parts for so I designed my own that is super simple and works off a stove top burner. I cold draw a picture but it is really simple. I got the idea from the solar distiller design I found online.
  1. Take a large pot and fill it full of water. 
  2. Take a glass bowl and place it in the middle of the water.It may float so you have to choose one that will work.
  3. Your pot lid needs to be concave. I had a glass one that was rounded on the top.Turn it upside down so that the steam condenses on the glass and rolls toward the center and drips into the bowl.
 That's it.

O.K. after further testing it doesn't work very well as is. The bowl gets just as hot as the pot so the water just evaporates out of it. more experiments I guess.

Some aluminum foil underneath and lowering the water level helped some. Sorry for posting my untested experiments  but I get in a rush to be the first to have an idea.
I'm not very good at other things either. I can't tell jokes very good because people see the punchline coming. Pickup lines don't work very well for me. I can never hide my nervousness. Magic tricks I'm no good at. Ripping people off or cheating on a partner don't work for me either.
