
I don't think anybody is reading this blog. I'm recovering from my dehydration. The dry mouth may be a side effect of years of antipsychotic medication. Thanks doctor! I want to give people some good advice. You all need to clean your thoughts.When you have a hateful thought about other people, a selfish thought, an overly proud thought, consider it an invader and push it out of you mind. On the other hand, don't let people condemn and judge you.

We're in a spiritual war.

I do not hear voices or have hallucinations. On the 1st ,like 3 days ago, about 8pm, I was listening to the police scanner. They started to report a car wreck. Then a semi fire. Then the fire was out. Then another semi fire. Then finally there was a semi fire and they said they where calling emergency management. The important thing to understand is what I felt the whole time.

I may have mentioned before that I was arrested for resisting arrest.The funny thing is that my last run in with the local police was very friendly. I might have fell for that if it wasn't for the sheriff getting on the radio and lying.The current sheriff is actually the guy who arrested me. They may have figured out that the illusion is gone.

Now let me go into some detail about the scanner. When they mentioned the semis I was thinking about the chemical on my brakes. It was nasty and the next day started feeling bad. My emotions were drawn towards that thought but I blocked it out. When the last semi required emergency management I thought of the distilled water I was drinking and how I would be prepared. I blocked that out too. The thing is that I don't think all of the emotion was coming from me. After the last fire the old lady on the fire department. Every fire department needs an old woman. She says "he needs a drink". And no, I was not mistaken because the dispatcher asked what she said and she repeated it. The intention was clearly to force me to have a negative thought in order to make me feel guilty so the old witch could inflict damage.

This is a small town and none of this is in the news.I think they may have a base transmitting nearby. I think it is a violation of fcc rules to use emergency frequencies for non emergency traffic.

That snitzer guy on youtube is a fake. Why would someone who is scared have youtube, a blog, a facebook etc. but no personal means of contact. My email is right there on my blog if you want to talk about this subject. If you tell me your problem I will consider it and I can only hope you will consider mine.

They may be afraid I will complain to God. Sometimes I do that but then I remember, God knows everything.

Edit: I'm sorry, I had assumed my email was shown on the page or in the profile but it is not. it's

I turned all my radios off for now. I'm not crazy when I do that. Like I said before I do not like to entertain myself online because that's not safe either. I found 7 books I wanted to read and I went to the library but they didn't have any of them. They said they would get them but it would take 6 weeks. The funny thing is that while I was taking care of a few things in town I dropped the list of books and I have no idea where. But I did print some puzzles.
