
I think maybe I'm being monitored.....
Like I didn't know that.
Keep playing your dirty tricks. You'll only hurt yourself in the long run. It has to be at least a small group of them wasting their time on me.


They must be afraid to talk. I wonder how much they spent just recently. Another hundred, another hundred, a thousand. Someone watching 24/7. Maybe more than one.

You think I'm trapped. You think you're better than me? No, I'm modest, but I have eyes and ears. I'm above average in many ways. That's why they don't like me. You'll see. I'm no accident.

I'm not sure if this could be the federal government or maybe the state. I used to have a low flying plane circle my house once a week. No, I wasn't hallucinating. A small Cesna type plane circled my house once a week for many YEARS. I still does sometimes. I know the airport where they take off from and I've called to complain but they still do it. I guess the knucklehead redneck assholes don't like my opinion of their shithole state. It seems that they like to ruin every business that crosses their border by playing childish nepotist, playground like games. You go to work for them and they complain that you are working harder than them. So eventually they fuck with you till you lose your job and then they call you lazy because they got the good job and you don't want to do the shit job. And when you complain  they have to shut you up. Because if they can't cheat they wouldn't have anything. So my stalkers should know that their days are numbered. Sellouts are going down with them. I'm not going to be cheated. I'm thinking maybe the FEMINISTS are in charge. Not the bra burning ones. The ones that have the politicians crying for more chivalry. I'll decide what chivalry is, thank you. And I don't like your cowgirl music. Guard your mind.

I recently had to file for divorce. I'm still in the process. This is not news to anyone investigating me. I was bothered at first because my marriage made me miserable but I had no plans of divorce. Jesus says you should not get divorced unless your wife commits adultery. I don't think that ever happened . I had to think about that. Me and my wife were never a very good match but I see what was going on. I hated to argue but sometimes I had to. She was so manipulative that she knew how to start an argument and how to make it get out of hand. We have split up briefly several times before. This may sound like passing the blame because none of you really know me. I decided that SHE forced me to divorce her and it wasn't my fault.

I raised a stepchild that I loved very much! Her dad got off without ever paying a dime! I had a friend who spent time in jail for child support and eventually committed suicide!

Did  you know that a cougar and a MILF are the same thing?

I'm not done.

The churches on every corner that expect you to walk in not knowing anyone or what they are going to say and believe can forget about me. My sister got asked to leave once by doing that. I would like to know some of the people attending before I walk in and I think most of the preachers are telling them exactly what they want to hear. There are 2 places to meet people here(after high school). One is shopping, probably at the local Walmart. There are very few ways to start a conversation at the grocery store. The other is church. I won't go to church to find a date. I'll pray at home.

System of a down has some interesting songs. Have you ever noticed how the top comment on youtube is often about how old the music is?
