
So I'm sitting here alone and someone calls and doesn't talk. I *69 and get the number because my caller id is a little messed up. I *67 to block my number and call them back. An unrelated fact is that you can *69 to call back a numbe that is blocked by *67. so th woman that answers says someone cloned her phone. I found the area code was new jersey. I wouln't have payed so much attention to a call like that except nobody ever calls.

Last night I accidentally formatted the wrong drive when reinstalling debian. No big deal I have a backup. except my backup drive is corrupted. So for now I lost everything that I have been backing up for about 15 years except for my github stuff. My ex wife has a backup external drive. Yeah that's going to be fun....

 So I'm wondering if my calls are getting through and I tried adding my cellphone number to my facebook. That's all I have on facebook is my phone number because memes suck and I want to talk to people. So I dial my cellphone number and ther is no answer at all. no voicemail no nothing. So now I don't know if anyone can call me at all.

I don't think anyone is reading this blog. I complained to my phone company over the phone. I went to their office and I sent them emails. I'm thinking about moving but I'm waiting to see what happens. I've been here 30 years and I have no friends. That means no reason to stay. My landlord says I'm 8 months behind on the rent. I would know if I was 8 months behind. The house need repairs etc. I don't want to switch phone companies because  I'm probably leaving.

I've been getting angry and that's not been normal for me and I don't like it. I've been trying to talk to certain people and they keep me waiting and making me think they will answer but they don't. I've given them plenty of chances to talk. I know they are reading and I'm asking them again to please talk to me.  No matter where I go I will remember the wasted time here.
