Another post already

I have been looking up herbs and supplements. BE CAREFUL PLEASE. It's totally unregulated. They are selling everything from everywhere in the world. I looked up DMT because I was interested in the psychotropic effects and I found 3 herbs  available on ebay that contain DMT. There are new supplements coming out every day. It looks like very little testing and too much marketing to find real information. I'm not talking about banning everything. Someone should have at least a warning.

 I need to elaborate here. I tried whey protein. I found a scientific study that says it helps maintain muscle in older people. I also found out that whey protein was a dairy waste product. Funny how they found a use for it. One time I found a soil conditioner that was supposed to break up clay soil. I found it was also scraped from industrial smoke stacks. Another waste product. It didn't work. Today I found pea protein. I never head of that. I have some DHEA that I haven't tried. I heard it was comparable to steroids. I never tried steroids but I will try this later. Today I found turkesterone and it doesn't even have a wikipedia page. It seems to be an arthropod steroid. Shut up and take my money.
