Doesn't matter what I say.
This is a fake login for google. A fake login for facebook. I could tell you some jokes and I might win the war....
I understand you only want to torture me. That's fine because the devil will have his turn with you. You messed up my head and now you think you can do anything you want. I'm betting on the afterlife. Gemstones, bet on the afterlife. Prayer, bet on the afterlife. Excercise, bet on the afterlife.
You are gluttons.
You are greedy.
You are vain.
Slothful. Etc...
I asked you to repay me. I offered to forgive you. Nobody can save me but God from your selfish hateful asses.
Place your bets.
I understand you only want to torture me. That's fine because the devil will have his turn with you. You messed up my head and now you think you can do anything you want. I'm betting on the afterlife. Gemstones, bet on the afterlife. Prayer, bet on the afterlife. Excercise, bet on the afterlife.
You are gluttons.
You are greedy.
You are vain.
Slothful. Etc...
I asked you to repay me. I offered to forgive you. Nobody can save me but God from your selfish hateful asses.
Place your bets.
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