6.5 months

I'm ready to go to bed and I have spent another day not having spoken to a human being. I'm definitely a prisoner here. Occasionally I get very angry about it. I know people here are watching me to. I don't know what they are so interested in me for. I've stayed stuck in this house for years. You know I want to talk to E.L. and you play with me like heartless jerks. I guess I haven't got any friends here. Why the long wait? I'm sure you have more torture planned for me. I can say anything I want since nobody views my blog. I yjnk you have something bad planned here. That's the way I felt for many years and now you are trying to tell me everything has changed but I'm not buying it. Why will they not let me walk around the damn grocery store without fucking with me? You deserve nothing. You are thieves with ill gotten gains bragging about how hard you work. I had this idea that you might be waiting for the election. I think there might be some genocide/ethnic cleansing program planned. I'm going to stay on my guard and believe the worst until someone decides to treat me like a human being and even then I will watch my back. They should nuke this place from orbit and send us all up in a mushroom cloud if I am right.
