bad dream

I don't know who is really doing this but I know who I have seen. People in my town and my ISP. I won't guess about anyone else.

They are trying to get to me today. They must be afraid of something.

I see what is going on here. It's a control system. I seen it years ago but I thought it was just unfairness.  It's a deliberate conscious choice to cheat and manipulate our whole society. Their main advantage is stealth. If people realize what is happening they lose that advantage. They have other tools too. Clicks and tribal behavior that turns people with similar interests against each other. I think maybe even targeted poisoning by producing food that maybe a certain group can eat but not others (glyphosate). I think that first thing we need to do is let them know we see them. This could be a large shocking change in the cultural norm that they have grown accustomed to. Put some fear in them..... Next we need to start repairing the system. Studying chemical in the food maybe. It's going to be a long way back to fair. I think they have weapons ready too so we are pretty much fucked. Goodbye utopia, land of the free.
