you know what you are doing.

I had a lot of events to report but you know them already. The only cure for that arrogance is to make you beg.

IT's easy to forget about this psychic control if you lose focus but I know now that what I've seen is a small piece of what is happening. I'm not exactly sure where it is coming from but I know it is there.

It's all lies.Not just the government  , maybe reality itself. Every institution, Every source of information, Even our own thoughts.

Let me explain my bad mood to people so they don't judge me as a hateful person. For the last 3days I have heard aerosmith angel playing in my head. It was never one of my favorites. I'm telepathic. I'm also a ham radio operator. Playing music is against the rules. Angels? Who's listening and are they friendly...


Is that the pen15?

I don't like the pen15 in my hand.
