
Showing posts from April, 2019

Positive thinking

I have heard that positive thinking can change reality. I experimented with it a little bit myself. I tried visualizing winning the lottery and getting more money. Here I am a homeless man. I think maybe I have finally figured it out. Positive thinking definitely can change the real world. All you have to do is start thinking positive thoughts and the world will change. When you start thinking positive about me my life will slowly start improving. Imagine how much money I deserve. Imagine the great car and house that I deserve. Imagine the great job and family I deserve. Imagine the friends I deserve. There is something else I was thinking too. I have always heard on the tv that the mark of the beast could be a tattoo or a computer chip. It says right there in the Bible that you cannot buy or sell unless you have the mark. You can tattoo 666 on your forehead if you want to but unless it allows you to buy or sell it's not the mark. It sounds to me like they are taking people...


I left out many details of the things that have been happening to me from the video about finding the new hoodie. First I have no idea where I lost that stuff.I got up in the morning and my glasses were gone. I went to a big park and cooked. A woman came by ranting about her ex boyfriend. There was exercise equipment in the park that I used. I went back to the park I was staying in. I was frustrated about my hair getting long. I took a blade from a utility knife and cut my hair with it a piece at a time. It took over an hour. I didn't notice my hoodie was missing until bedtime. The next day I noticed my bandana missing. I found the new hoodie in an alley in the trash. It was in a pile of clothes. I went back later to try to replace my bandana. there was a man already standing there. I don't think it's a coincidence. Most of these people seem fake. Like they are acting. I kept going down the alley and found the vest and the toy gun. I also found 2 pair of used hair clippers....

out of the eater something to eat.from the strong something sweet.

sampson slew 1000 men with the jawbone of a donkey. but delilah fooled him 4 times before she got him killed. The bees made honey in the lions skull.

guilt and karma are not the same.

I will feel guilty if you blame me for something but you will owe me if it's not my fault. I'm running out of food. I think I can stretch my food though. I bought a bag of pure granola but I'm going to cut it with oatmeal. It wont be as potent. maybe I can lace it with raisins. It's going to make me thirsty. They take the handles off the water spickets everywhere. I shall use the magic plyers to produce water from thine building. I have a shutter on my webcam but everyone is walking around with cell phones that have cameras on both sides.

I don't care too much for money...

Money can't buy me love... Actually you can't get real love any more. You can pay an actor to pretend to love you but then when you run out of cash you are totally fucked. you will love them but they  will stop pretending they love you. then they have you by the heart. You think by the balls is bad? You can live without balls. If you lose your heart you are fucked. I'm going to the state capital!

Im homeless.

Its been a really long time since my last post. I'm still alive. losing hope. the police in mountain view stole my wallet. I got stopped. I reached for my back pocket because I knew they would check my ID. I had my wallet. they patted me down and said it wasn't there. later I camped in the woods. I was totally broke and out of gas. I saw large dogs and ther was a sign warning about mountain lions. I made a weapon by putting three nails through a small baseball bat. I stayed the night in the woods but everything was wet and it was hard to keep the fire going. I tended the fire all night and it went out anyway early in the morning. I decide camping was too  hard to do alone with no supplies and I went back to my car. a man said I had to leave and gave me $10. I drove to palo alto and started eating from the grocery store dumpster. a cop stopped me in thwe parking lot and started talking to me. he seemed nice. then he wanted to look in my car. I didnt think I had anything illegal ...