more science.

I was trying to find something to do. I always do science so I was looking for science to do. I made a sprectrometer at home before . so i was thinking that I could  make on to test the water. I have been collecting lenses but I don't many that are good for the project. I used a cd the last time but I want to make a prism this time. the only thing I could find was a water prism but that might interfere with the results.I wanted a glass prism. I have my quartz still but it's hard to get it at the right angle. I had a strange idea that might work. I could try casting a prism from gelatin. I'm not sure it would work. still looking.

I thought I needed software to analyze the spectrum. I couldn't find anything for linux. there are android apps. I like using a database to compare the results. the only thing you really need is a known good sample to compare with the sample you are testing.
