I'm still alive

 back on my medication. I feel like I've lost my rhythm. Like I'm trapped. I'm being psychologically harassed online. Gaslighted. It has got to be the government at the root of it. They want me to think it's not but that is the only capable entity. It's 2024 and I'm still waiting for the fall. I'm embarrassed by some of what I said but that doesn't make it less true. Nobody discusses anything they just argue.I've always been looking for honest discussion but they want to shut me up.I can admit when I'm wrong. Maybe the people's car wasn't such a great invention. Just a catchphrase.whatever. I know people who like to be able to fix things. I think we are in a technological trap.the utopia we wanted was bait. it's too late now to fix the media. I know people want to punish me for speaking against the society that they benefit from. first you laugh.blah blah blah ...then you agree. I said those things out of love. I'm unfairly rejected.  the medication is terrible... I probably won't live to say I told you so. So I'm writing this bog post. your a fad. a trend. a style. It seems like whatever I disliked most about the country was amplified. what about the forgotten. what about the abused. what about the rejected and the outcast. where are their complaints? you medicate them. I'm spiritually deaf. I'm afraid. I'm losing my sense of humor too. i guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. you force your opinion on me. justice and truth offend you. we disappear an nobody gets the blame.
