Targeted individuals
I have found many people online who are having similar experiences.Some of their experiences and explanations are different than mine. I found a man named Scott Snitzer on youtube who describes similar experiences and gives a lot of thoughts on what is happening and what to do. If he is a real person... This fear is based in the core of your brain(i wont bother googling the technical terms). The reptilian brain. If you think about an emotional response to a fight, you have fear on one end. If you are afraid you can panic. You can react spontaneously with physical force or try to run. Fight or flight. Your thoughts will tend to be paranoid. On the other end of the spectrum you have rage and anger. you assert yourself, your thoughs tend to be critical.It's hard to go from fear to anger. They are on the same spectrum. If you have ever had very many dogs you might have noticed something. If you get a dogs attention and repeat the phrase SSSSSSSSSIC they have a response to it. Some p...