
Showing posts from May, 2018

Random stuff because everyone in the world totally abandoned me.

so I wear glasses. So I saw a link to a method of improving your eyesight. I decided to look at it. It way basicly moving your eyes around to  stretch them. One interesting exercise was to take your thumb and focus on it up close then move it back and forth while keeping focus. I think I improved this technique by using a yard stick for more distance. I took the sticker from a banana to focus on. I'm nearsighted and my vision blurs a little beyond arms length but if you are farsighted you might have more problem as you move the target closer.  I think the exercises were based on yoga techniques. I am posting an untested experiment again but this is your warning. If your eyeballs fall out don't blame me. It seems that I'm constantly forced to play russian roulette while everyone else plays candy land or some other fantasy. This is how they try to attribute blame to the very people they are exterminating. I have a theory about why but if I wait I won't have to say any...

Super simple water distiller.

I was looking up how to make a water distiller and I couldn't find anything I had parts for so I designed my own that is super simple and works off a stove top burner. I cold draw a picture but it is really simple. I got the idea from the solar distiller design I found online. Take a large pot and fill it full of water.  Take a glass bowl and place it in the middle of the water.It may float so you have to choose one that will work. Your pot lid needs to be concave. I had a glass one that was rounded on the top.Turn it upside down so that the steam condenses on the glass and rolls toward the center and drips into the bowl.  That's it. O.K. after further testing it doesn't work very well as is. The bowl gets just as hot as the pot so the water just evaporates out of it. more experiments I guess. Some aluminum foil underneath and lowering the water level helped some. Sorry for posting my untested experiments  but I get in a rush to be the first to have an idea. I...

monday update

Still very lonely. I don't know anywhere to go meet other people. Noticing a series of strange "coincidences". Looked up language of thought hypothesis. I have to be careful. My days are so boring I sit and remember details about every trip out side. Sometimes I sit and try to remember things about my past. It's strange how much you can remember when you have time to think. I thought about someones last name for like 3 days and couldn't remember it. then I went to sleep and as I was laying there trying to sleep I remembered it. I looked them up and found them in jail. I would like to add that I do have a plan for getting my life back together. It is going to take a while. 

Monday update

Still doing ok. I'm trying to keep that  "in the zone" feeling but I am struggling. I'm afraid to let my guard down because I know that could be dangerous. They know I just want my life back and they keep making false promises, then when you start to believe them they start making accusations. Don't lose touch with reality. Nothing has really changed yet. I hope if you understand me that we can find a way to help each other. They have hidden me and I have nobody to turn to. Stay healthy in your mind and body.

monday still ok

I'm trying to fix my life right now so I can't focus on being creative. Someday soon I will again.

still okay

I forgot to make my post again but everything is ok. I'm getting used to all the weird "coincidences". I just laugh. I don't blame myself because they try to guilt me sometimes. I try not to get angry and blame others even though I know  they are trying to make me feel something negative. I don't know if I should be afraid or not but it has happened so much that I think it's funny. I want someone to talk to. I have so many interesting stories!